Spawn emitter on dedicated server

I am trying to get my game to spawn a particle effect when a bullet collides with an object. The particles do spawn when running in singleplayer, however no emitter is spawned when running on a dedicated server. If I test it as a listen server, the emitter only spawns on the host.

// Trace from old position to new position and test for collision
FHitResult HitResult(ForceInit);
bool HitSuccess = GetWorld()->LineTraceSingle(HitResult, ActorLocation, NewActorLocation,
                                          ECC_Visibility, TraceParams);

if (HitSuccess)
	// Bullet hit something


Then in the ClientNotifyHit

void ATOBullet::ClientNotifyHit_Implementation(const FHitResult Hit)
	FVector ParticleLoc = Hit.ImpactPoint + (Hit.ImpactNormal * FVector(32.f, 32.f, 32.f));
	UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(this, ImpactParticle, ParticleLoc, 

ImpactParticle is set in the Blueprint for the bullet.

The problem was that I was spawning the emitter attatched to the bullet…so when the bullet was being destroyed so was the emitter. To fix this, I changed from this as the WorldContextObject argument to GetWorld()

UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), ImpactParticle, ParticleLoc, 