Camera Anim Reference variable type missing?


I am trying to create a variable to pass into the Anim pin of PlayCameraAnim but I can’t find an appropriate type. Is the Camera Anim Reference type missing? Or has is deliberately been left out.

I can browse to the appropriate reference but I’d like to be able to pass in different camera animations. At the minute it appears that I have to hardcode the animation into the blueprint.

Have you ever found an answer to this? I’m really interested in it.

Sadly no news

Looking into this myself, it seems the CameraAnim type is missing the ‘BlueprintType’ definition in code.

Should be a simple matter of changing:

// Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Camera\CameraAnim.h

UCLASS(notplaceable, MinimalAPI)
class ENGINE_API UCameraAnim : public UObject


UCLASS(notplaceable, BlueprintType, MinimalAPI)
class ENGINE_API UCameraAnim : public UObject

However there may be a specific reason this is the case, so I am dubious about making this change myself.

TL;DR: It’s been left out on purpose. (probably.)