Unable to Hide Brush Actors Using Layers

I’m trying to use the Layers window to organize a scene and I noticed that when using Brush Actors you can’t use the layer’s visibility button to hide brush actors, when tried with other actors, like static meshes it will hide then, even if you mix the contents of the layer, the static mesh, etc, will be hidden while the brush actors won’t be.

I tried to hide the contents then build the level (to try to update the geometry) but it didn’t have any affect, if I try to use the Scene Outliner or enter into the layer’s “see contents” windows and individually hide the brush actors they ARE hidden immediately, as I would have expected.

Reproduction Steps:
1: Create a couple brush actors
2: Add them to a layer
3: Toggle the layer’s visibility
4: Observe their visibility not be affected

Branch: Binary from the launcher
Version: 4.0.1 2027741 +++depot+UE4-Releases+4.0

Hi this is a known issue. Brush actors don’t contain the geometry only the basic shape that is used to create the initial geometry. You can hide the brush actor in the scene outliner as a workaround for now.