Feature Request: Saving tool settings

So basically when I use the tools for the landscape or even paint/visibility I would love it if I could choose a user type setting or like button to save that current setting for the tool for example:


So the red splurge would be where you add button for save settings and then when I switch to another one like flat or paint it would bring up those settings if I had it clicked as well… see what I’m saying? I’m sure you guys would implement a much better way but just something to save those settings.

Saves quite a bit of time actually if you look at it! :smiley:

Thanks guys. <3

Also another feature request for the “Use slope flatten”
if you guys could literally drag out the current degree angle landscape outwards by pressing shift or ctrl like so…

plain and simple right? :smiley:

Bump :open_mouth:
This is a great feature guys, maybe you haven’t switched between the tools enough to realise you’re losing 5% of production EVERY day.