Will user directories with non-latin characters be supported?

I get the “launch” error: ‘Exception in AutomationTool: You are attempting to compile on a machine that does not have a supported compiler!’ (Output.log)

I found a resolved question to this problem, but the user directory was (and will be) created during a fresh install of windows 8.1. I think this is tied to my Windows online account.

Will this be fixed or does anybody know of a tool that helps to rename the user directory?

Still no infromation on this?

I get this log UE4.log when i try to “Launch” the TowerDefense (4.6) example. I now use Unreal Engine 4.6.1 and VS 2013 Professional - Update 4.

Hi Letschki,

Are you still getting the not supported compiler error message? Let us know if later versions of the editor have resolved this issue.



Thanks, Problem solved. Checked on VS2013 an VS2015.