Why is the custom property not shown in detail panle?

Hi epic:

recently, i have added several properties to the FSlateBrush struct. But i can not see them in the editor. Can anyone give me some idea?
here is my code:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="UVCoords", AdvancedDisplay, meta=(DisplayName="UVCoords"))
FUVCoords myUVCoords;

/** Whether or not the resource object's type is materials*/
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="UVCoords", AdvancedDisplay, meta=(DisplayName="Use Materials"))
bool bWithMaterials;

/** The dynamic materials params that will be used */
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="UVCoords", AdvancedDisplay, meta=(DisplayName="Materials params"))
FName ParamsName;



How do you exposed struct it self? Do you got BlueprintType specifier in struct?

Yes i have specified it. I checked the source code.i think changing detail customlization is needed.

Maybe AdvancedDisplay might be the reason try without it

Thanks, we need changing the slate detail customlization file


Glad to hear that this issue has been resolved. If you have a similar issue in future releases, please feel free to reopen this issue so that we may further investigate.

Thanks and have a great day!