Destructible Mesh Collision for building entry

Q. Is there a way to setup a ‘complex as simple’ collision for the initial state of a destructible mesh?

I have made a building using geometry brushes that I converted into a static mesh. The collision is working perfect on this mesh. It is set to use complex as simple and my actors and props work perfectly inside of it. The issue I am having is with the destructible mesh that I make from that static mesh. Prior to it taking damage, it seems to have a basic collision box that prevents actors from entering or props with physics from being placed awake.

Once the building is damaged, the collision changes to the pieces of debris so it is possible to enter the building once a chunk of debris is removed.

Still didn’t get help for similiar problem, but maybe my solution will work for you too.

Hi NobelSpoon,

I’ve posted on Pierdeks thread posted above that I’ve entered a feature request for this (UE-6140). I’ll update when I have any relevant information to pass along.

Thank you!

Thanks, !

Hi All,

I’m running into the same issue as NobelSpoon. Any word on adding ‘complex as simple’ collision complexity to destructible meshes before they fracture?

Or is there a way to do it manually?

This would really help take DMs to the next level in UE4!


Hi Rick,

There are no plans to work on any additional features for DMs at the moment. This has been reserved for a time when we can focus on a lot of issues with DMs and get them in a better position.

I’ve bumped the community interest in this feature up in the feature request ticket for custom collision for DMs.

Thank you!

Thanks for the quick response !

Yes, please do some more development work here. The destructible using only the most simplified collision, as opposed to the per-poly or auto-convex or whatever collision of the original mesh, renders the destructibles quite useless if it comes to putting them in a real game.

I’ve adjusted the community interest to reflect your need for this as well.

As previously mentioned, this is backlogged at the moment and will be looked at the in the future. Unfortunately, there are other higher priorities at the moment that need to be addressed first.

Hey guys. Do we know if this was addressed in 4.13?


This is currently backlogged. You can follow the status and vote here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-6140)

Thanks ! just wanted to make sure it wasn’t just me still having this issue lol. I’ve made a ghetto work around greyboxing, we’ll see how well it works once I put in the real meshes lol

I hope it works for you until we get something more proper or get around to working on Destruction 2.0 at some point in the future. :slight_smile:

, I have been working a lot with destructibles, and if u use Nvidia Physx Labs u can customize more the Collision, so u can remove that “cubic colision” generated by ue4 destructible generation, later add it to UE4 and it works so well.

The problem comes when u have a Zombie game, and u want to use that colision for Nav Mesh, it doesnt react to any navigation, is like if u make a destructible with Nvidia Apex software, u can customize colision but u cant generate navigation on it. Is there a way to “hack” the navigation and solve that problem? Version using: 4.12.5

I use dynamic navigation, obviously, is everything fine, using Destructible actor class to apply navigation, etc. If you couldnt bring me a “magic idea” i will have to use static navigation on that destructible, so NPCs cant go through destructed walls, but they can have navigation paths in the mesh at least.

Thanks, !

Its been a while, do we have this feature available yet?