How to show dust particles

why it the dust particles don’t show up when i start the game or even in the edit mood it shows only yellow rectangle lines.

Hey khalidalhasan -

The Ambient Dust from the engine is built as a non-emissive particle and meant for subtle effects in lower light environments. So the first issue is that your lighting is actually making them harder to see. However the way around that is to open the Dust Particle Material and plug the Particle Color into Emissive instead of Base Color this will significantly brighten the effect. Also setting the material to unlit will also brighten the effect.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum


Sorry for my noobish question but how do you plug the Particle Color into Emissive instead of Base Color ?

Hi -

You would open the Material referenced in the Emitter’s Required Module and disconnect the pin from Base Color and attach it to Emissive Color (similar to pin connections in Blueprints)

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

thank you!

I realize also this emitters need resize “Initial Size+” to min: 4 for X - max: 7 for X to see full effects this very nice particle system.