How do I use DataTables with Blueprints?

Hello, as the title says, how do I use DataTables with Blueprints? I get an error each time I import my .csv file, it’s something along the lines of “Expected column ‘hello’ not found in input.”. I think it’s a bug, though I’m not sure.

So how my things are set up:

My .csv file looks like this:


And my blueprint struct looks like this:

I make sure to import the DataTable with the Blueprint struct like this:

So I have no idea why it’s not working (other than thinking it’s a bug). :frowning:


Before importing in Data Table mode, you need create definition in C++ code.
Look at this

And for another type, like Curve Table, Float Curve and Vector Curve you can import without problem.

So there’s no way to do it without code? :frowning:

Here is the whole step by step workflow, without any need for C++


This is an old post. Back then it might not have been possible without C++.

For the record, in case anyone else faces the same problem, the first column in the csv file needs to contain the identifier (row name) except for the very first cell which needs to be empty:

row1, 1230,4560
row2, 1231,4561
row3, 1232,4562

You can then access any given row with the specified identifier.