how can i hide some objects (meshes,CSGs) from my camera when run ?

i have more than one camera and i have to hide some objects from camera ,for example i have camera1 and camera2
i have to show (a,b,c) meshes in camera one and hide (d,e,f),and vice versa for camera2 ,hide (a,b,c) and show (d,e,f) how can i do that

Im not a developer but maybe you can toggle the visibility of the objects while switching the camera.

  1. Switch to camera 1 with toggle visibility (hide) D,E,F and Toggle visibility (unhide) A,B,C and reverse.

What about if both cameras are running together like a map 2D camera and a player Camera, I want a certain camera to view some objects and the other camera to view others

Does anyone know of a solution for this? Still unsure how to go about doing this without using a SceneCapture2D component.