De-spawn emitter after spawn

Spawning an emitter is pretty straight forward. I haven’t however worked out a way to de-spawn it after a certain time. Am I missing something simple? Or would I need to make a duplicate particle with a lifespan?

Hello, BraXzy

if you have a reference on this emitter, you may use Destroy Actor Node to “De-spawn” it.

Best wishes,

Hi , thanks for the reply!

I thought about that, but as far as I can tell, using the ‘Spawn Emitter’ node means I can’t reference it since it will randomly spawn during gameplay.

Is there a way to reference something custom spawned?

Go through details section in particle emitter, If you find that loop value is set to 0 ,then that makes emitter to loop infinitely. Set the loop value to 1 or any value of choice and now the auto destroy will work fine after emitter plays for loop value number of times .

pass the resulting reference from Spawn Emitter node to variable or array of particle system component, then later you can destroy via the DestroyComponent