What is UE4's equivalent of an empty group?

I want something that has a transform and that I can parent other things underneath, then I can move them / scale them etc as one. If I group many things in a scene I then can’t select them individually.


Try create empty Actor blueprint. In Components add Billboard component for easy view. Place it in scene and parenting any elements.

I want to parent things in the scene hierarchy, having to add things to the component part of a blueprint is not a good workflow. what if you want to move something around? you would have to open up two blueprints, and drag the component between the two. Is there now way of parenting things in the scene hierarchy? Do I have to put all my level geo into a blueprint? maybe I’m thinking about things in the wrong way.

Also this just doesn’t seem possible for me. they’re all static mesh actors if that helps?

You can select multiple component in the scene outliner and select Group. then, select the group and select Unlock. this will allow you to move the objects with the group node but also move the individual components within the group.

It’s annoying groups don’t collapse though…

In my example NewBlueprint blueprint work like transform or locator or group. CameraActor attached in Scene Outliner not in NewBlueprint. And I can move/rotate/scale CameraActor independently in scene.

You can also place an Empty Actor directly from Modes > Basic (currently using UE 4.13, but it has been here for some time I guess).