4.6.0-UMG Tutorial: Widget Blueprint not displaying nodes correctly//cannot complete tutorial

Howdy there!

I’m trying out version 4.6.0 and was following Unreal Motion Graphics tutorial as test and created a new project, did not import: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/UMG/QuickStart/index.html

problem occurs at Part 4 in ‘Retrieving Variables’ section. Here is what tutorial tells me to do: http://tinypic.com/m/ighfsj/1

But this is what happens to me: http://tinypic.com/m/ighftj/1 (tried it with Context Sensitive unchecked as well)

I tried compiling and saving everything, tried closing and reopening project. Even verified engine files and unfortunately I’m still stuck. Everything is still working fine in 4.5.1.

Would anyone happen to know what I’m doing wrong or if this is a engine issue? Thanks!

I just ran through this myself, and tutorial forgets to tell you to make all variables in Player Character public. So just need to click Eye icon next to them.

Additionally, any references to a Remove from Viewport are out of date, as that node no longer exists in 4.6. You should use Remove from Parent instead. Both of these have bug reports for our documentation team to update.

Hope that helps!