Marketplace from Linux ?

Isnt There Anyway to access the marketplace from linux ? i mean i dont think it has something that much " platform specific " to have problems working on linux

I know myself as well that it has been a pain to get sample projects, as it requires running the Launcher on the other two platforms.

Epic has been considering a release of Launcher on Linux for the last couple of months, but the general consensus was that until Linux binary release of the engine is made, Launcher part will be held back.

The thinking behind this was that if Launcher is made available then everyone will think that Linux Editor is officially supported and will demand working binaries, which Epic is not prepared to deliver yet, due to outstanding issues with Linux Editor.

Then again, maybe we will see the Launcher before the end of the year, as a present, regardless of the Editor binary release on Linux.

They might say … not on linux yet on some of the marketplace web pages at the very least.

Would it be possible to include it in the github offering (e.g. a private repository with the binaries in it or somesuch)?
Then none will be confused about official support and we can get sample project on linux, that would be really nice …

try This. I hope it works for you: