Trouble building project first time- missing pad.h


I’m trying to follow along the programmer video tutorials on YouTube, and set up a new Third-Person project.

However, I tried building the project in VS2013 (Development Editor configuration), which fails because it cannot find “pad.h”, included in WinDualShockPrivatePCH.h, which I presume is from the PS4 integration.

There are instructions in NoRedistReadme.txt to copy the contents of “%SCE_ROOT_DIR%\Common\External Tools\Pad Library for Windows(PS4)” to a folder, but that would be a problem as I do not have access to the PS4 SDK.

Is there a quick way to add/remove individual platform support, and if not, how would I go about building my project?

Thank you!

Version: 4.5.1-2338718

We are noticing the same problem with 4.7.1

This is not the “perfect” answer, but the answer to get you working:
Go to Engine\Plugins\Runtime
Delete the PS4 folder.
Rerun your GenerateProjectFiles.bat
This should let you compile.

NOTE: Do NOT do this and check it into source control if you are on a project which IS using PS4, you will screw it up for other people.