Projectile velocity slowdown?

So I’m currently trying to create a wind/air projectile that a player can fire out, and I want it to obviously have an effect on objects to give them the effect of being hit by a ball of air. (Think Avatar: Legend of Aang). There are two methods I’m thinking of:

Have it instigate a matinee for whatever is interact-able, making custom matinee’s for each thing.

Or what I’m trying at the minute, which is having an impulse hit physics enabled actors when an invisible projectile hits something. So it kind of looks like it’s being hit by a blast of wind. It doesn’t quite look right but it’s okay for now. The basic projectile is working (going in a perfect straight line).

My problem with my current method is, the impulse is based on the velocity of the projectile (scaled). But I want the impulse to be lower the further away the thing is, so slow down the velocity. It wouldn’t make sense to absolutely blast something a mile away. Is there a way to change the velocity over time on a projectile? I’m not sure where to start.


Hey mate,

if i understand you correctly, you are searching exactly for this:

Hi eXi, thanks for the reply but that’s not quite what I’m after.

I already have the basic projectile set up. I don’t want it to drop off in game space, I want it to fire in a perfect line. I just want it to slow down over time (velocity reduction).

sorry for the bad title.