OSX UnrealEngine Launcher content install Failed ( EBuildPatchInstallError::MoveFileToInstall)

launcher is shows ‘Install Failed’ dialog after download part of content data.
UnrealEngineLauncher.log has some errors about moving *.ini files - I checked all paths and
both( from, to) has usual permissions and I can move this files manually or create folders in this patchs.
I also tried to remove any files related to launcher or engine from system and after downloaded all again and got same effects.


My hardware:

MacBook Pro Mid 2012
OSX Maverick 10.9.2
Model Name:	MacBook Pro
Model Identifier:	MacBookPro9,2
Processor Name:	Intel Core i5
Processor Speed:	2,5 GHz
Number of Processors:	1
Total Number of Cores:	2
 L2 Cache (per Core):	256 KB
 L3 Cache:	3 MB
Memory:	16 GB

I have system and home on different partitions.

I found that I can’t to download any content from marketplace - situations is same

Hi Strobe,

Sorry you’re having issues, looks like you might be having a couple different ones!

The EBuildPatchInstallError::MoveFileToInstall error in a log is commonly associated with that file being open by something. Do you have UE4 running or perhaps you are viewing those files in a program that holds a file lock?

“Could not download patch data” refers to trouble making http calls, the log you uploaded appears truncated though, did you send it while the Launcher was still running?



No I don’t have another UE instance and another apps that can do something with files except Finder. I also tried to reboot and start only launcher app but result still same.

Also please look path example (I think this site has bug with text files attachments, it doesn’t allow to view entire log file)

LogFileManager:Error: Error moving file '/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/Launcher/PatchStaging/ContentExamples_4.0Production-Mac/Install/Config/DefaultEditor.ini' to '/Volumes/SSD_Home/Users/eugene/Documents/Unreal Projects/ContentExamples/Config/DefaultEditor.ini'

Hmm I see. And are you able to see that “/Volumes/SSD_Home/Users/eugene/Documents” is a valid path or do you mean that it is the wrong one?

Sounds like you already tried this but if not, maybe making sure that the “Unreal Projects” folder in Documents does not exist yet before trying the install. If you have one already be sure to back it up first :slight_smile:

/Volumes/SSD_Home/Users/eugene/Documents/ - is valid path I checked all paths in the logs all is exist and I able to move any *.ini files there manually.

But I have two different partition for System and for Home folder.
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/… is placed on one partition
/Volumes/SSD_Home/Users/… paced on different partition

  • might be the Launcher handle this situation by wrong way

I also tried to remove “Unreal Projects” and result still same.

SSD_Home - has Mount Point: /Volumes/SSD_Home

part of the log related to this errors

I have not managed to find a reasonable work around yet. But am working on a fix to try which we can hopefully offer you soon.

I had a battle with this problem myself just moments ago. After trying everything else, as a last resort, I uninstalled all anti-virus programs. After that everything started working just fine.

I’m on Windows 7 64bit, but I’d still suggest you to try turning everything related to anti-viruses off.

Hi JuV,

Thanks for sharing! Glad to hear you got going one way or another. Could you please let us know which anti-virus solutions you were running. It may help us handle some issues better in future :slight_smile:


Webroot antivirus disabled → Didn’t work.
Panda cloud antivirus disabled → Didn’t work.

Tried with just webroot or panda installed didn’t work. Now tried with antivir and it seems to work as expected.

@strobe Have you attempted JuV’s solution? Please let us know if you have been able to resolve this issue or if you are still experiencing problems.

No, JuV’s solution doesn’t have any sense for me - I on the OSX and don’t have any antivirus or other applications which can block files moving.

Today I downloaded latest version of Launcher and it’s working now - I guess this bug was fixed (but may be not by direct way).