4.6 Remote Build for iOS issue with mobile provision after upgrade

Just a quick background. I have a c++ iOS project that I have successfully build/deployed from a PC using the RemoteBuildTool on an iOS machine since version 4.2. I understand all of the complicated setup necessary since I have been upgrading it all the way to 4.5. Now I just upgraded it to 4.6 by creating a new c++ project so I could use the Import Mobile Provision/Certificate options available.

I’m able to build it remotely but when it gets to the mobile provision part it goes bad. Please take a look at the log file and help me determine what may be missing and what I might be able to do to fix it. Thank you SO much for your time!


It was this line that did not work:

[2014.12.05-16.23.04:015][981]MainFrameActions: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: … ‘D:\UE4\UnrealEngine\Engine\Build\IOS/NotForLicensees/UE4Game.mobileprovision’ → ‘…......\Engine\Intermediate\IOS-Deploy\ciicharm\Shipping..\XcodeSupportFiles\APPDEV7_UE4Temp.mobileprovision’

There was no UE4Game.mobileprovision file in the following directory:

I’m not sure how it is supposed to get there but I manually copied my mobile provision to that directory and renamed it to match UE4Game.mobileprovision. Now I’m stuck on the next error. Apparently it doesn’t have the right values in it as you can see here:


Hi jeffvoight,

Are you still seeing this issue? Have you updated to the newest version of the editor? We are at 4.7.5 now.

I do not have the issue. Everything was fixed. I don’t recall what it was that fixed it though.