Is RealD Integrated in UE4?

Hi Folks .

can i use RealD ( Side by Side ) in my game . if its not . how can i achive side by side 3d effect camera in my level ?

ex: can i use two camera side by side in same time in my level . then using blueprint to achieve something like (SplitScreen) but using two camera ?

any one

I think it’s beyond blueprint, what you asking for is stereoscopic rendering which can be transported to your eyes by many type of mediums. UE4 got code for stereoscopic rendering but for now it’s exclusively used for OculustRift which regardless of fact it’s VR, practically it’s just another way of delivering stereo display to your eyes (suppricly more appreciated then other methods, look 3D TV fiasco). That code is not exposed to blueprint and even if it was blueprint is to limited to play around with it, so C++ is better place to use it. You would need to define SteoscopicRenderingDevice which use IStereoRendering interface and use particular stereoscopy technology.

There higher level solution, you mentioned splitscreen, you could use it to create side by side steroscopy… prboel is that it’s also better to be done in C++ as there you can manipulate viewports a lot better, without need to call out 2nd player.

On PC stereoscopy can be also supported of GPU driver level, i know NVidia supports it and can use diffrent technologies. Problem is compatibility with it depends on software and how it renders, im not sure how it goes well with UE4

Thank you for your Answer . But im not so good in C++ . please can you give me start Point for Creating splitscreen without calling 2nd player ?

Viewport code is not much binded to blueprint so you can do this trick only on C++. I heared there viewport widget in UMG maybe explore it in this direction

You could also post feature request for more seemless stereoscopy solution in feedback section of forum, it’s better place to post those there

ok got it. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Guys is RealD implemented yet? that’s what maters now UDK already has it so by now shouldn’t UE4?

they still don’t provide the commands yet for UE4 when will it be available? the rift isn’t the only device we want to use for VR this should be open for all…

No its not yet. but very soon will be .

How soon is soon? Do you know? :wink:

Hi, please visit the “iLocalPlayer” UE4 C++ Plugin on UE4 Marketplace: iLocalPlayer4UE4 in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

Functions of this plugin: 1. Side-by-Side Stereo 3D implementing; 2. Asymmetric projection(or named asymmetric view frustum) implementing.

Hope this helps you.