How to tweak shadow-mapping for smooth, non-blocky shadows?

UE 4.6, completely dynamic-only lighting, all static and/or baked lighting disabled, distance-field stuff disabled, SSAO disabled, the directional light is still called stationary but is actually set to movable.

To see the issue and current (mostly default) shadow settings, right-click the image and select open-in-new-tab:

How do I tweak which of those settings to lose the jaggies and get smooth shadows? Tried everything, shorter and longer distances, 4 cascades, you name it…

Yeah feel free to delete to keep the hub noise-free… thought I did so 10 mins ago but apparently it’s still here :wink:

Hey metaleap,

Just wanted to make sure my other answer resolves this one as well? If so feel free to mark as resolved :slight_smile:

