'launch path not " exception on OSX commit 183608046d0124eb9c97b0a7a023d909f9d26f71

On Xcode when I press “run” after build application crashes with this exception: " Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: 'launch path not link text"

Hey Leonano,

Are you making changes to source code or code in a project? Is editor crashing or is Xcode crashing? Are you able to build and launch in another, unmodified project?

Editor is crashing. I’ve tried to start it both from xcode “Product → Run” and Terminal Engine/Binaries/Mac/UE4Editor-Mac-Debug.app. attached crash.txt is produced when we start from terminal
source code is unmodified on branch 4.0

problem is that certain binaries in required dependencies (that you download from GitHub, ahead of building) don’t have execute permissions set. You can fix this by opening up Terminal.app and doing following:

Change to directory where you cloned source repository. Mine is in /Users/myname/UnrealEngine

cd /Users/myname/UnrealEngine

Change to binaries directory and set perms.

cd Engine/Binaries/Mac
chmod 755 ShaderCompileWorker UnrealLightmass UnrealPak

Sorry guys, I can’t make formatting work correctly for some reason, but fix works!