[4.6]Super::Constructor called automatically?


when using the 4.6 constructors like this:


I cannot call the constructor of the superclass like this:

AExampleActor::AExampleActor() : Super()

because of this error:

no appropriate default constructor available

Is the superclass constructor called automatically or what is the best way to do that?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I’d check if the parent class actually has a default constructor or if it still uses the old one with PCIP parameter.
What is the parent class of the actor you’re writing?

Well that was a quick answer, thank you :9
I tried it with my playercontroller that derives directly from APlayerController, that does indeed use the old GENERATED_UCLASS_BODY(), thank you :slight_smile:

(If you change your comment to be an answer, I can mark it as answer to my question :slight_smile: )

Done :slight_smile:

Thanks for the fast answer!