Render the beam of a spot light in fog?

I need to achieve this effects with a bunch of spot lights used by multilayer players flash lights. The Light Beam needs to show up on the fog. I could always go with a mesh with light emission but I was hoping the spot lights would have an option.

This is the effect visualized.

Since we dont have volumetric lights yet you have two options:

  • Use a mesh with a specific material - you can find an example in Blueprint Office project in the marketplace
  • Or make use of lit GPU particles, which is not practical for large open environments.

There is also a bp_godray in the cave examples which makes that look good!
You might want to recreate that with a more rounded mesh if needed but on its own itll look great as well!

are volumetric lights on a do to list?

It may be a directional light only feature though, so dont hold your breath on it.

Thank you for the tips. I ended up achieving it using your first suggestion. I used a mesh with a glowing material paired with an inverted Fresnel node to opacity. Softened the edges…