4.6 Compiled and from source problems

This week, i downloaded from the launcher the 4.6 release and some examples/demos and all work fine.
Now i have downloaded from Github the 4.6 release from release branch (question: if use the 4.6 is the same ?), and put in a folder and executed the Setup.bat and GenerateProjectFiles.bat all compile fine (Developer Editor x64).
But at open the compiled engine exe the 4.6 projects show as in different version 4.6 and force me to update to same version and at open the ShooterGame 4.6 in VS with the compiled version show the game and engine and tools is this normal ? then at compile drop an error about missing tools in the project of engine and compilation game errors. (building the Developer Editor x64 clicking in the game project to build)
Help please.

The VS return Error 1 error LNK1104: cannot open file ‘D:\UE4\UE4_L_6\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-UE4Game.dll’ D:\Users\UserName\Documents\Unreal Projects\ShooterGame6\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\LINK ShooterGame
Error 2 error : Failed to produce item: D:\UE4\UE4_L_6\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-UE4Game.pdb D:\Users\UserName\Documents\Unreal Projects\ShooterGame6\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR ShooterGame

If create a new Shootergame from launcher vault and then in the ShooterGame.uproject set the switch version to my from source build of the engine work at compile, but i need to create a new project for each project ??

Hi Hgdavidy,

The binary version of the Engine (installed by the launcher) has essentially the same functionality as the Engine built from source code. However, they are treated as different versions because the source code version of the Engine can be altered at any time in any way. Even if the source code is completely unchanged, there is no way to verify that no changes have been made.

If you create a project using the binary version of the Engine and want to open it with an Engine built from source code (assuming both are the same version, 4.6 for example), you can right-click on the .uproject file for your project and select Switch Unreal Engine version to associate the project with the other Engine (it sounds like you have already done this). You can actually go back and forth between the binary and source code versions of the Engine if you want, but I would not recommend doing so. For development purposes, it is generally best to use only the binary version or only the source code version. The one you choose to use will be based on what you need for the project.

When you download a sample project from the Launcher, such as Shooter Game, it will be associated with the binary version of the Engine by default. If you want to use it with an Engine that you built from source code, you will have to switch the project to that version.

Yes all my projects now work when switch between the versions source and binary but the Shootergame get a crash, but creating a new one for each version works fine.