xcode build - Ensure condition failed: IsInGameThread() on load

This is incredibly annoying. I have downloaded and followed readme file for building my editor via xcode and after countless attempts of at least an hour an attempt I continue to get this error

Ensure condition failed: IsInGameThread()

During Loading… (35%)

any help would be greatly appreciated.


I have same problem…

Hey Mcsnidely and Mokalex,

Thanks for report! We already have a bug report in our system for this issue (UE-6776), and I’ll let you know here when I see an update on it. For now, you can work around this by running editor that was built (in Engine > Binaries > Mac > UE4Editor-Mac-Debug). This will run and finish compiling all shaders. Once this has finished, you can build and run in Xcode as normal.

Hope that helps!

Where do I find that (menu?) “Engine > Binaries > Mac > UE4Editor-Mac-Debug” I’m new to UE4 and I’m having same problem.


He means running actual file on disk. So more like /Engine/Binaries//Mac/UE4Editor-Mac-Debug.

thank you!