How to properly unload level

Hello there, I’m searching for a " unload level " node but can’t figure it out. When I use the execute command node to open a map ( with open LevelName? listen ), my previous map ( my menu ) is still visible. What’s the correct way to unload it ?

Unload, I mean remove all widget added in the level without doing it manually. If it’s possible.

Np, I think I’m on my way to the solution :stuck_out_tongue: My vision of the link between maps and widget was wrong.

What you mean by “Upload”? Sending to server or loading the level?

Ah sorry i missed read ^^’

Yep, that’s it ! So easy I run without seeing it :smiley: thx !

If you just want the widget to dissapear add an event called End Play in your level blueprint. Then remove the widget using the remove from parent node.