Android Package Settings, Build and Run DXT

When using File->Package Project->Android->Android (DXT) is there a way to change the settings to package and automatically invoke the install script? It would save a bunch of time on each iteration.

All it needs is a checkbox in the package settings to invoking install script on “build success”.

Hi tgraupmann,

I have entered your suggestion to add a checkbox in the Android package settings to invoke install script upon successful build as a feature request: JIRA [UE-22431].

If this feature is added to UE4, you will be notified with an update to this post.

Thank you for your feedback!


If you are comfortable with the commandline, you can use RunUAT.bat to package and install on a device. Or, you could make your own batch file that does the same thing that File / Package does, then runs the install batch file. I can help you with the commandline if you need.

To do this in the editor, we’d need 6per-platform implementation, which makes it less trivial, but I’ll think about it. Thanks for the suggestion!