Navmesh can not be generated for SM_AssetPlatform. Am I missing something?

Somehow, I cannot generate navmesh for StaticMeshActor, using SM_AssetPlatform from UE Starter Kit. But for other assets and BSPs it can be generated very easily and no problem occurs. I’ve tried to change NavMesh generation parameters to somehow fix this issue, but it won’t help me (see attachments for the scene, which consists of two platforms, which are inside NavMesh Bounds Volume). Am I missing something or there are some additional requirements for models inside of meshes?

Hi haidarian,

Check to make sure that the static mesh has collision. This mesh by default doesn’t have it.

  • Double-click the asset to open it
  • Make sure that the Collision icon is highlighted
  • Go to the Collision dropdown at the top and choose ‘Add 10DOP-Z Simplified Collision’ (or any other collision you like)
  • Back in the editor, build your level

If it does have collision, but still doesn’t generate a Navmesh, make sure that the Navmesh volume is tall enough.

Let me know if this works or not.



Thank you very much. Adding simplified collision solved my issue.