Can I publish my game to web and wii u platforms?

Can I publish my game to web and wii u platforms?

You can on web with HTML5/WebGL, WebGL is equivalent of OpenGL ES2 so you need to treat it as development for mobile with there limitations. As for Wii U there no sign for native support, but i suspect you mean there web games thing… there no other way then just test it out, each browser even if they use same web engine have diffrent supported features and website can work diffrently on each, Most impotent requirement is support for WebGL, not sure if Wii U support that, you need to check

Heres doc on UE4 support of HTML5:

I feel the documentation doesnt have enough description to actually show you how what to do once u packaged your project. I thought it might be a matter of just uploading files and then accessing .html but that doesnt work.

It might be host related issue or something to do with packaging… Hosting locally works fine though and some people got it working from web, but its stlll a big mystery for us laymen…

Hi, i can´t believe there is no tutorial for us to publish our games on a website, i mean, there are some examples but no one explain how to do it…so frustrating :frowning: