How to turn on logging on shipping build

How to turn on logging on shipping build?
When i playing shipping build x32 then no log file is created. What and where i should turn on maybe in configs or class log define to have game log such as in development build configuration?

I think currently this can only be done with setting bUseLogginInShipping to true in UEBuildConfiguration.cs using UE from github.

I am just trying this now. Somehow it builds my whole development editor configuration again after changing this to true. Not sure if this is the right way because of that.

Edit: First I tried just to change the value in the xml, but this gets overwritten while building.

Not sure if my answer is correct. At least this doesnt seem to work on Android. Distribution or non distribution. Java logs u can activate in gameactivity but the rest is well hidden.

Edit: For Android u have to change the if statement i ln AndroidMisc.cpp’s localprint function

Hi Harry, just to let you and anyone else who sees this know, this did work for me on Windows, so thanks very much!

Good thing to know for future Googlers, for shipping builds, save games and log files go in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\GameName

Thanks, I wish I had found this remark sooner

So I am just reporting this here in order to make it a more complete answer. Generally changing the UEBuildConfiguration.cs is less than the desired usage. Though it may be changing things for the better in this one case it is better to set variables in your target files like so:

public override void SetupGlobalEnvironment(TargetInfo Target,
           ref LinkEnvironmentConfiguration OutLinkEnvironmentConfiguration,
           ref CPPEnvironmentConfiguration OutCPPEnvironmentConfiguration
        UEBuildConfiguration.bUseLoggingInShipping = true;

“More complete”? This is the answer. IMO you should put this in a separate answer and the OP should mark it as correct.