Can i have an example of a custom constructor in 4.6?

I am doing this on the header

ATowerDefenceEnemyController(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer);
ATowerDefenceEnemyController(FVector start, FVector end);

and on cpp

ATowerDefenceEnemyController::ATowerDefenceEnemyController(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)
    m_health = 100;
    m_currentHealth = 100;
    m_armor = 0;
    m_goldDrop = 5;
    m_cost = 10;

ATowerDefenceEnemyController::ATowerDefenceEnemyController(FVector start, FVector end) : Super()
    m_startingLocation = start;
    m_destination = end;

but no matter how i change it always gets an error.

can you show me an example of a custom example that inherits from a unreal class?