Layered Blend per Bone issue

Hey guys,

i’m just working my self into the Animation thingy and i stuck on a small problem.

I have an animation where the Character grabs the sword on his back. This is functioning as well as the Running 1D Blend Space. Now i want to be able to grab the sword while running. So i googled and found the “Layered Blend per Bone”. Now i added my spine with all upper body bones and created a curve in my Animation Montage to change the blendweight. This is working somehow, but now comes the problem.

The Shoulders seem to be an extra bone. I don’t know what rigify (blender) did there, but i need to add the shoulders too. Could be that this is a result of the “ik” things that rigify adds. If i don’t add them, they stay in place and my models breaks them :X If i add them, it works while standing still. The problem comes up when i move.

The upper body is leaned forward while running. When i now grab the sword, my shoulder rotate but are pushed back to the standing position. I don’t really know why. Maybe because they are not rooted to the rest of the spline.

What can i do to change this? I won’t change the rig in blender, since this is generate automaticaly and i don’t even understand what all the extra bones do and how they work.

Is there an option to only blend rotation?

EDIT: Or do i need to make an animation for the running grab? That sounds complicated as hell.

Made a work around by using “CopyBone” node. Was able to copy the translation of the upperarm bone. Still too hacky to use this later. :smiley: If someone has an idea? I guess i need to reparent the shoulder from “root” to “chest”. Rigify made this :<


Were you able to figure this out? I’m having the same issue with my rigify skeleton.

No sorry sir. I haven’t been able to get back to this project.
Could be that the FBX file was corrupted by Blender or some other black magic going on.

This thread has a good work around.