OnGround bool?

Sorry for asking such a simple question, but I couldn’t find an existing answer, I couldn’t find a list of blueprint functions/events/inputs on the wiki, and Google is filled with games made with UE4 instead of documentation.

I just want to know how I can access the bool ‘OnGround’ in the blueprint system, as seen in this image:

That IsGround variable is likely just a local variable, created in that blueprint.

To determine if a character is moving on ground, query the Movement Component:


Perfect, thanks a lot.

This doesn’t seem to work with the phsycsballBP. Any way to fix that? I get an error from it. Would be perfect it did. Error Accessed None ‘CallFunc_GetMovementComponent_ReturnValue’ from node Construction Script in blueprint PhysicsBallBP

This doesn’t seem to work with the phsycsballBP. Any way to fix that? I get an error from it. Would be perfect it did. Error Accessed None ‘CallFunc_GetMovementComponent_ReturnValue’ from node Construction Script in blueprint PhysicsBallBP