BluePrint Interface and blueprint my character?

Dear all:
I follow tutorial from unreal engine 4 channel in youtube about how to create UMG inventory in UE4.
Everything okay except in Part 6 video tutorial.

From Video Tutorial :

Link Video :

I have Blueprint Interface i setup ( Use action - Drop Action )

I add my blueprint interface in my character blueprint by going to blueprint Props.

when i search event drop action in the list my character blueprint , i didn’t find it ?

So could anyone please help me how to solve this problem ?

Assuming you compiled & saved? I notice neither Blueprints are, and that could be a deciding factor.

I did compile and save , but still didn’t show me .
I figured out another way how to add event drop action.


how did you add it, i’m having the same problem. Did save and compile but can’t see the option for ActionInterface_C

I did Create folder in Game/Interface/. And made ActionInterface(Blue Print) move to this - Game/Interface/.
After Compile ActionInterface, i could see that.
If could you see this. Open ActionInterface( BluePrint ).

I am having the same problem. I tried your solution but I still can not call the Event Drop Action. I have compiled, saved, exited and reloaded UE4.

Thanks for any help or tips.


Just ran into this myself, and figure this may save someone a few minutes: It turned out that I hadn’t added the Action Interface to MyCharacter. It’s explained at about 8:50 in the video.