Control UMG 3D widgets via raytraces? (Leap Motion)


I’d love to use UMG widgets in connection with the leap motion sensor but I’m not sure if that’s possible at all right now or how to approach this. Is it possible to raytrace to check if a finger for example points on a button and then invoke the button pressed function or something similar? Or do a collision check with a bounding sphere?

Thanks for your help!


Edit: Deleted old lazy post. Added useful info.

Here is a ray trace example. Just put a socket joint at the tip of a finger(s) using UE4 editor, include this code in your character’s event graph (make sure you put your sockets in place of mine), and link your character’s mesh as “mesh variable”. This example will draw a light saber from your finger to help with visualization, just change the drop down menu for visibility when you want it off.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Can you pls check this Link and Possible rply

Hi ,
Have you found a solution to your problem? I’m trying to make use of 3D IMG with raytraces from motion controllers but wihtout success.

hi . I have problem about this subject. Did you achive interact to widget with leap motion? what should I do after this BP? if possible help me . thanks