I cant join child body from "welded" body with "Physics Constraint"


I cant join child body from “welded” body with “Physics Constraint”.

Constraint join only with parent body from in “welded” body, not with child body.

I tried it, but without success:

See result of this code:

Hi Antonio,

Thank you for the feedback. This is a known issue that is logged as JIRA UE-2558 in our tracking software. I updated it with your post as well and our developers are investigating it further.



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Hi. Just ran into the same issue yeaterday. I my case I have 2 actors that are simulating attached to echother and when I try to constrain anything to the child the actors move. so the relative location to the child from the constraint becomes the from the parent instead.

Is there any update on the issue or can it be bumped a bit? I’m using 4.13

Hi MagnusAnder,

This feature was set to a low priority and was eventually bumped as ‘Won’t Fix’. Here is the JIRA on the public tracker. Feel free to vote to show interest in fixing it.

We suffer from the same issue. This mean we can’t use physic constraints on vehicles (or between them).

The JIRA entry is reported as a “new feature” but it is more a “bug”.

Is there a known workaround in the time beeing?

My workaround is to constrain to the ultimate parent of the welded body rather than a child in the welded body. Then make sure the constraint position prior to setting the constrained components or the component reference frames after setting the constrained components are set up to account for that.