Multi-line properties and shift+enter

After 4.6.0 update from 4.5 I’m not able to enter multi-line line in properties of blueprints.

Shift + enter just ends editing process.

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Which property are you trying it on? Not all of the property fields are multi-line any more.

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = “Equipment”)
FText GameplayDiscription;

Everything worked in 4.5.1

For a while in 4.5, all FText/FString properties were mistakenly defaulted to multi-line rather than single-line.

If you want a multi-line property in 4.6, you’ll have to add the following meta-data to it:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Equipment", meta = (MultiLine="true"))
FText GameplayDiscription;
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Thank you!