why is UMG not rendering material animations?

I have created a UMG/UI and have been unable to get the desired effect from my material inside the HUD. My material consist of a bump offset sine wave animation to apear 3d dimensional. In game the desired effect doesn’t show up.

Trying to achieve a hud paralax effect like in dead space and iron man movies 2d images that show case depth and layered upon each other

Hello PhoenixWo1f,

I have a question regarding the animation process that you are using to try and animate the texture for your widget. Are you trying to alter the material during gameplay or does the material have a set animation that it cycles through? The reason that I ask is because there is a known issue at the moment of not being able to update a material applied to a widget in UMG dynamically. However, if it has a set animation then it will cycle through as expected. Also, could you please tell me what version of the engine it is that you are using?

Neither? the material is animating via sine wave through a bump offset which drives the constant paralaxing and another sine wave that drives the brightness value as seen in this video: http://vimeo.com/30961155

at runtime this type of “animation” is static

1 bump offset not working for UI at runtime
2 sine wave driving anything in the material doesnt work at runtime for UI
3 rotators in materials DO work at runtime for UI

What are your thoughts?


Hello PhoenixWo1f,

After looking into your issue it seems that your issue is due to the fact that all image widgets are rendered at a 90 degree angle to the screen. This means that unless the material is setup to fake an angle it will appear flat. Here is my example. I hope that this helps

As you can see even at a very slight angel the depth is shown, however when the image is at an exact 90 degree angle to the camera all depth will be lost.

This is an example of how you could still have some effect with a widget. The image is now “popping out” to the right instead of straight forward. However, this may not be ideal for your needs depending on the effect you are looking for.


Make it a great day