Create Custom Camera

Can anyone tell me the proper way to do this (purely in c++)?

Currently, I spawn a camera actor during my game modes begin play and set the player controller class’ target view to the actor camera. I’m not having any luck…


Try that

void MyPlayerController::TestCamera()
	// Fast storage for camera (for example only)
	static ACameraActor* pCamera = NULL;

	if (!pCamera)
		// Get current pawn camera
		FMinimalViewInfo info;
		GetPawn()->CalcCamera(0, info);

		// Spawn camera
		FTransform spawnTM(info.Rotation, info.Location);
		pCamera = Cast<ACameraActor>(UGameplayStatics::BeginSpawningActorFromClass(this, ACameraActor::StaticClass(), spawnTM));
		if (pCamera)
			UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(pCamera, spawnTM);
		// Teleport camera
		FViewTargetTransitionParams params;
		params.BlendTime = 1; // I want not make smooth camera changing (interpolation)
		PlayerCameraManager->SetViewTarget(pCamera, params);

In addition, if you set up camera during game mode begin play, Player Controller may take possession over Camera after that. To avoid this – set up this variable to Player Controller: bAutoManageActiveCameraTarget = false;

Hope it helps!