Blueprints to C++

I don’t know if I should add this Question to the BP or C++ section however.

Is there a good guide to understand C++ better? I know how to program on this language, Im not a pro programmer but I do understand most of the concepts of this language (Classes, inheritance, polymorphism, pointers, etc)

I made a cool gameplay using Blueprints, but while using BP I noticed that is basically C++ in flow charts and more simplified. So I want to turn that BP into C++, I know there’s no convertor for this, but Im looking for a good guide for beginners to understand the C++ framework of UE4. I already started with the template, and I finally made the character able to sprint and turn on/off a flash light, but Im having problems some problems to access to some functions and GET,SET things from the BP.


Hello Georgespartan1, I too am new to this, but here is what I understand so far:
There is the programming guide videos that Epic has supplied us with. I will warn you that they are dated and you would be prudent to read the wiki for each document along with watching the videos, as it will help guide you away from the more deprecated practices.

I believe you are however, interested in the UPROPERTY() macro and how it changes blueprint access to your properties. You can look at some of your options and further reading here:

One thing I found useful to note that I didn't feel was well covered in any of the resources I glanced at is that the UPROPERTY() macro goes between the "public:" and your property. so a public property declaration in your header file would look something like this:


UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)

float myProperty;

I hope this helps you in your journeys!

Yeah. The last link did help, thanks.