How can I import or convert meshes to terrain?

Hi everyone!

I’ve got a bunch of quadratic meshes which, at the moment, form my terrain. Unfortuntately I’ve ran into a couple of problems when using meshes for the terrain, many of which could be solved by using native UE terrain instead.

Is there a way for me to import the meshes into UE4 as terrain, or a way to convert them to compatible heightmaps? Each mesh is approximately 500m by 500m (487.679997m to be exact - odd number, I know), and the complete map is roughly 32km by 32km.

The meshes are currently stored in .obj format, and have a rather large height difference (we’re talking top of a mountain to the bottom of a crater here).

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

You will have to convert them to a raw16 heightmap → normally you can do that in your 3d program (e.g ). After that just import it in your landscape tool :slight_smile:

I’m not sure I fully understand how to apply this method to a tiled terrain - I’ve got about 4096 tiles that need to be converted to a heightmap, and their elevation is quite different - I also need a fairly detailed conversion.

Is there a program that can be easily automated that renders the mesh out like this?

As far as I know there is no program which can do this for you → so either create a heightmap for each mesh + put it together to one big heightmap + import it. Or import them separately + stream them in the UE4 :slight_smile: