How to attach an object (cable) from mycharacter to an object from another class

Hi there! It’s my first time posting a question!
So what I’m trying to do is like a grappling gun that shoots a projectile with a cable attached and if it hits something the projectile sticks to that, and when the button is realeased the player gets pulled to that something. I already done the projectile. it shoots nicely and it sticks nicely. My problem now is that I want the cable (which is in mycharacter blueprint) and attach it to the projectile (which is a projectile class). How can I set the distance between the player and the projectile so that the cable gets rendered on that distance?
If you have any other suggestion it’s very welcome!
Help me please! It’s for a christmas gift!
And sorry if my english is bad, it’s not my native language.

If you want to get the distance between 2 actors, you can use Get Distance To (if you have multiple projectiles, find them like this)

But if u just want the position of the other actor, simply get the location via:

Hope it helps!