AI Fundamentals

@MieszkoZ, you mentioned during your AI stream a number of books and blogs to read to get started with AI. I’m making headway myself but have not been trained in AI traditionally. Currently I need to extend the AI system so more bots can run at one time and move in a group (I’m using what I have found on Boids flocking patterns to do this similar to the RVO avoidance system) But I’m reaching the limits of my knowledge.

I was hoping you could post the books and blogs here so myself and others interested in AI could go read them. :smiley:

Hey Justin,

So, the good news is I haven’t been trained in the ways of AI “traditionally” myself neither. I just have a MSc in Informatics and all my AI knowledge comes from my work experience and books. Here’s what I can recommend with all my heart:

  • Game Programming Gems, up to volume 5 - not that others are not great, I just didn’t read them
  • All of AI Wisdom books - a must-read for an AI programmer wannabe
  • Game AI Pro - the spiritual successor of AI Wisdom series. The first volume contains my article about EQS’ predecessor from BulletStorm AI code.
  • is a great site driven by Alex Champandard and hosts more AI knowledge than one can ever imagine. Lots of cool stuff including interviews with experienced AI programmers regarding their latest creations.

Hope it helps :slight_smile:
