Shooter Game Sample Removed?

Hello. I tried to build the Shooter Game sample for 4.6. However, Unreal says some modules are missing and the conversion did actually fail, I don’t have time to update manually and I don’t really know how. I tried searching a 4.6 or at least 4.5 version of the Shooter Game Sample but Im sure this one does not exist, I deleted the 4.2 sample and Now I can’t find it anywhere in the marketplace?

Please help.

It’s under learn now.

M8. I feel so stupid. Thank you so much.

Just for feedback: would be better to have an entry also on the marketplace, it’ not intuitive that you have to search in the Learn tab.

No, but adding the rest of the learning projects to the “Learn” tab would be better. The marketplace should only be for user created stuff.

Please don’t! It’s not obvious.

We’re working on that right now

I know I want to make a shooting game but I cant get the rifle or anything!!!

Hi, I’m new on this, I am trying to download the Shooter game demo, but even on learn I can not find the link.

It is still there. On the “Learn” tab, under the “Games” category.


Thank you, when you say “learn” tab, you refer to this?

Because under learn, I only can find “Documentation”, “Video tutorials”, “Wiki”, or there is another learn tab?

Thank you in advance.

Doesn’t look like it is there any more (11/28/2016). I have been looking for it for 20 minutes now. I can find the documentation page in the link below, but there is no way for me to download the project or any code, so that documentation doesn’t do me that much good. Does it not work in more recent versions of the engine (and thus they removed it completely)?

Any update on that? It’s still not there

It’s pretty simple…just run the Epic Games Launcher then click the Learn tab and scroll down till you see Shooter Game click it then click the free button and it’s pretty straight forward from there.