[4.6]Debug Editor builds Development iOS


With UE4.5 when I click Launch All_iOS_On in Debug Editor it was building an IOS Debug.

Now in UE 4.6.0 whether I use Debug Editor or Development Editor when I hit Launch the IOS is always building with Development settings:

LogPlayLevel:Display: CommandUtils.Run: Run: C:\UE4\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe MyGame IOS Development  C:\MyGame\MyGame.uproject  -noxge

In project settings in Packaging I have Build Configuration DebugGame.

I can build IOS Debug with Unreal Frontend but it is rather more comfortable to do this using Launch button from the Editor.

Is there a bug or is there a hidden option for Build Configuration somewhere except the Packaging?

It looks like there was a change from 4.5 to 4.6 which makes it so it now defaults to Development instead of picking a configuration based on the configuration of the editor. This was made at the same time as the new Simple Profiles. I’ll log this as a regression and talk to the engineer who made the change.


Ok after talking with the engineer, we have decided to add some settings for the build configuration for Launch On in a future release. In the mean time, for your specific case, since it looks like you are building the editor anyway, if you were to go to Source/Developer/LauncherServices/Private/Profiles/LauncherProfile.h and in the SetDefaults method, you can change the BuildConfiguration line to be the following:

	BuildConfiguration = FApp::GetBuildConfiguration();

That will take you back to what we had before for the time being.


Thanks for a tip, it’ working :slight_smile:

For now it can be done by setting

BuildConfiguration = FApp::GetBuildConfiguration();

in Source/Developer/LauncherServices/Private/Profiles/LauncherProfile.h

Thanks psauer for a tip :slight_smile: