[Request] Add in volumes & shapes faces to place mats

Add in volumes & shapes an option to place material or textures for best view of collisions and best control of the zones, and options to show or hide in-game & in-editor & customize the material of the faces.

Hey Hevedy -

I think I know what you’re requesting but could you elaborate perhaps with a case example.

Thank You

Eric Ketchum

A- Add in the project/editor settings/preferences (1º. add an option to the actual version or view with faces. 2º. other tab with the list of default materials/textures, examples:(default load shaders material, default error texture, default collision mat, trigger, …).

Pros: 1- In the models for example imagine a tree you see the face of the collision cross over the leaves. (You view the semi transparent faces with a texture like in old editor (source engine, call of duty, quake: collisions, triggers…)) Examples:
Example Best view of where the models cross the collisions in the 3d view …


Hey Hevedy -

Thank you for the examples it cleared up my confusion. I will pass that request along to our engineers for their consideration.

Eric Ketchum

News about this ?

You have always been able to see semi-transparent brush polys via the Settings → Previewing → Draw Brush Polys in the level editor toolbar. We wont be able to support changing the material on volumes any time soon though.

Only work with collisions… thanks.