Adding Collision to MorphTarget Meshes

I have a little block that using morphtargets, has spikes come out of it every few seconds.

I added collisions to the block, and it registers a hit when I hit the block itself. However, when I hit the spike - which is there due to a morph target, nothing happens.

How do I add collisions to meshes with morphtargets?

Hi Zectric,

Since Morph Targets are a form of Skeletal Mesh the only way you can add collision to them would be directly would be to use the collision primitives (Box, Sphyle, Sphere), but these would always be present even if the spikes are recessed.

I spoke with someone earlier attempting to use sockets and attaching collision boxes that way, but I’ve not really looked into that type of setup to say for sure one or the other if that would work.

That may be a possibility. Also, consider using Blueprints and setting up the animation through that for the movement of the spikes. Using that method can give unique collision for the block and for the spike.

Thank you!
