Where to find the definition of the blueprint functions?

I was wondering if there’s a place where I can find the C++ definition of the functions that are available in blueprints? For example if I want to see exactly how to use Get World Location in C++ if I go to the documentation and search for it, most of the results I get are about AActor::GetWorld instead of the exact function I’m looking for which is Get World Location.

What I’m trying to understand is how to re-write a project made in blueprints for the sake of learning C++ in UE4.

I am also wondering if there are better explanation for each functions / method inside GetWorld() . If you go to unreal docs they have lists of functions inside the classes but doesn’t define those functions clearly. So far the only thing that helps me is the definition in intelisense inside visual studio. When you open unreal C++ and hover over the functions, the intelisense will show you a brief information but its not really in simple English though.