Color Gradient in Color Over Life

The example fire particle has a gradient set for the Color Over Life value. It makes a pretty dramatic difference in the realism of the fire. I can’t figure out how they did it! Anyone know? It’s in the starter content, it’s the same fire used in the cave example. I’m using the same fire_subUV as the example particle (I’m trying to emulate as much as possible).

Also, I’m having a lot of trouble getting the same light as they do from the example particle. I’m hoping both of these are just check boxes or something that I’m not seeing.

Hi there,

While it looks like a gradient in the editor details panel, it is actually just a value greater than 1 (to create a glowing effect) in the color picker. You can see from this image here the Red channel is set to 15, the Green 4, and Blue 0.5:

You should get the same result if you apply similar color values, but make sure to adjust them within the Color Picker window if you are using version 4.6, there is a known issue where colors values greater than 1.0 are being reset to 1 if you adjust it in the details panel. This should be fixed in the next release though.

Hope that helps!

Excellent! Thank you. I was making the mistake of editing the values to over 1 in the sidebar instead of the pop up.

I’ll post a second question for the lighting issue.

BTW, I tinkered with this for a while, anyway to get a white to grey gradient? I couldn’t get it to work.