Exposing audio to Blueprint?

Hi everyone!

We are a small team of people that are relatively new to creating games, and we happen to be starting a new project these days. With UE4 coming out we’re really psyched about moving away from Unity, as the toolset in UE4 looks absolutely kickass, and the visual scripting style would suit our team a lot better allowing everyone within the team to take on more responsibilities than before – but we have a problem

We rely heavily on music and being able to analyze audio for our projects’ concept to work(think Audiosurf, Beat Hazard and the like.) We already have a rudimentary system up and running in Unity that was incredibly simple to accomplish with Audio.GetSpectrumData(), but we can’t find anything similar in UE4.

Does anybody have an idea how we could go about this in UE4 - preferrably through Blueprint if possible as we’re all new to C++. We’re only doing basic beat detection, working with means and modes of frequency ranges and such. Any help would be appreciated as we’re really psyched about moving over to UE4(or UE$ if I don’t let go of the shift button )

Also, is there a way to natively load audio files from disk in mp3/ogg/etc… and/or from the web?

Thank you for your help.

Forums discussion on this topic here

I don’t know if it’s entirely possible to do this via blueprint as it is, but If there is a way to do it in C++ you can make a function in C++ and use that function in blueprints. Which means you’d only need to get one guy who can play with C++ well enough to take functions you’re looking for and create them so they may be called in a blueprint, and everyone else on your team can use those functions as blueprint nodes

A lot of what you’re asking for may require you to step in to the actual engine’s code(the one at Github.com/epicgames/unrealengine Make sure you link your Github account to your unreal account so you can access it) at least for things like loading ogg from disk and possibly beat\spectrum analysis (I don’t know too much about it so i can’t say for sure the option exists or if you have to play in the sound engine. You may have to look at implementing an external library if you want to save time (Libraries like FMOD used in unity or possibly WWise are commonly used solutions and may help you in the event that UE4’s sound system doesn’t offer you what you’re looking for, Note, they cost money to licence)

Actually check out the Sound Visualizations plugin. That will have those functions now!


Hi nLock,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.

you can’t pack up projects with this plugin, it uses editor only values